Unix Executable File Converter

Feb 10, 2004 I loaded OS X Panther on my Mac G4 and found that many files previously saved as Word or Word Perfect files were inadventently converted to Unix executable files. When I try to read these in Word, it cannot recognize or translate the file properly. Step 1 – Create shell script (. Prog) Let’s create an executable file first. It is a text file with.prog extension. As per Oracle Apps Developer Guide, the extension should be.prog. In Unix based concurrent program, first 5 parameters from $0 to $4 are reserved and used by Oracle to pass below information to the shell script.

SFWJPG - Seattle Filmworks to JPG conversion (Windows)

SFWJPG - Convert Seattle Filmworks .SFW files to .JPG.

SFWJPG is a Win32 port of the UNIX hosted application written by Everett Lipman.
It may be used freely according to the GNU General Public License.

The ZIP file in the download link below includes the Win32 command line executable and 'C++' source code.

The September 2016 update adds support for Overlake Photo Express .PIC files. Thanks extended here to Ted Leverette for providing sample .PIC content and to Richard Jones for helping me discect the file format.

The April 2016 update adds support for Seattle Filmworks 93A format (SFW93A). Thanks extended here to Helmut Jurgensen for providing sample 93A content and to Richard Jones for a great write-up on SFW file formats and the differences of 93A vs. 94A.

Unix Executable File Video Converter Mac

Update history:

  • Sep 2016 - Added support for Overlake Photo Express .PIC files
  • Apr 2016 - Added support for Seattle Filmworks SFW 93A format
  • Jan 2016 - Correct 180 degree rotation and left right mirroring
  • Oct 2011 - Add Wildcard support
  • Aug 2002 - Create Windows utility based on Everett Lipman's UNIX implementation

Retain your source images

While digging through the internals of the 93A files, I observe additional data that has not yetbeen pulled into the output file including the date the film was developed (SFW93A and SFW94A). If I can figure out how to map this into the jpg header, that would be a good addition to the program andconsidering fixes made earlier to undo mirroring in SFW94A files, it is a good idea to retainthe original image files even after conversion.Unix Executable File ConverterExecutable

Execution requirements:

ExecutableProgram requires Windows version Vista or beyond (e.g. Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10).

Opening Unix Executable File Mac

FileSupport for Windows XP was lost in the 2016 update to unmirror.

Unix Executable File Converter Online

Frequently asked questions

  1. After downloading and executing the program, all I see is a flash

    SFWJPG is a command line executable.
    If you run it from graphical user interface, the program will launch, display help text and then terminate.
    From a graphical user interface, this will appear as a flash.
    The program should be run from a command line. (WindowButton-R) then 'cmd' <enter>.
    Execute sfwjpg program from command line with no parameters to get information on required parameters.

    This question comes up often, I have created a video to show the process.
    Here's the video, stream with flash or download mp4.

  2. How do I convert many files at once?

    To convert many files, place all .SFW files into a single directory. For example a SFW folder under 'Pictures'.
    Using command prompt, change directory (CD) to the directory that holds pictures, then 'SFWJPG *.SFW'.

    The program will create a .JPG for each SFW file that is processed and place that JPG in the same directory.

Comments and feedback, email to 'joe' at this domain.

Joe Nord