Chicken Of The Vnc Catalina

OS X has a built in VNC (Screen Sharing) server, but it is a little known feature that it also has a built in VNC client. No additional software is necessary.

To setup the server go to Preferences->Sharing and check the “On” checkbox next to “Screen Sharing”. Make sure to only allow access to Administrators or a specific user/user group.

Chicken of the vnc catalinaVnc

Chicken was cloned to a github project, with a 2.2b3 build released on October 21, 2016 which was targeted at Mac OS X Lion (10.7) and above, along with 64-bit processors (macOS Catalina, released October 7, 2019, dropped 32-bit support, causing older releases of Chicken and Chicken of the VNC to stop functioning). Chicken of the Sea was using the legacy VNC to connect and that seems to be what is now borked by the update. Mar 22, 2016 4:12 PM.


Chicken Of The Vnc Catalina

You should see your computer name on the Screen Sharing configuration screen.To connect to your computer from another one using VNC open Finder and press ⌘+k. In the Server Address enter vnc:// followed by your computer name or IP address.

ChickenChicken Of The Vnc Catalina

Chicken Of The Vnc Mac Catalina

h/t Dillon Hafer