Can I Delete Javaforosx.dmg On My Mac

Drag the.dmg files to the Trashcan on the Dock or select all of them and press COMMAND-DELETE to move all of them to the Trash. Now Empty the Trash to recover the disk space. First, try to download listed Java and if that didn't go straightway, use the following script to install it.; Here is a simpler way, an AppleScript that removes the installation limits from Java for macOS 2017-001.

asked 2016-03-06 18:07:28 +0200


This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

HiMacbook Pro 13inch without retina display.My os is 10.11.3I have installed LOI downloaded and installed javaforosx.dmg and JavaForOSX.pkgI have also downloaded and installed jre-8u73-macosx-x64.dmg.Yet when i open LO and start creating database, i get an error message saying that LO needs jre ... please install it... or words to that effect.

Someone please guide me to the correct stepsThanks

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Can I Delete Javaforosx.dmg On My Mac

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Alex Kemp
close date 2020-09-08 14:38:51.926797


In brief, you need to install a JRE that matches the bit-size of LO rather than (possibly) your OS. Next, select that JRE version (if not already selected) within LO.

Before you begin

Can I Delete Javaforosx.dmg On My Mac

Make sure that your Mac is connected to the internet and using macOS Catalina or later. If using an earlier macOS, follow the password-reset steps for macOS Mojave or earlier.

Choose a reset option from the login window

Can i delete javaforosx.dmg on my mac computer

To see one of the following password-reset options, click the question mark next to the password field in the login window. If you don't see a question mark, enter any password three times.

If you see the option to reset using your Apple ID

  1. Click the option to reset using your Apple ID, then proceed as follows:
    • If your Mac restarts, skip to the next section, “If you see the option to restart and show password options.”
    • If your Mac doesn't restart, but immediately asks for your Apple ID credentials, enter that information and click Reset Password.
  2. If you're asked to create a new keychain to store the user's passwords, click OK to restart your Mac.
  3. If you're asked to select an admin user you know the password for, click “Forgot all passwords?”.
  4. If you see a Reset Password window with the option to Deactivate Mac, click Deactivate Mac, then click Deactivate to confirm.
  5. Enter your new password information, then click Next.
    If this window shows multiple user accounts, click the Set Password button next to each account name, then enter the new password information for each account.
  6. When the password reset is completed, click Restart.
Can I Delete Javaforosx.dmg On My Mac

Can I Delete Javaforosx.dmg On My Mac Computer

If you see the option to restart and show password options

  1. Click the option to restart and show password reset options, then wait for your Mac to restart.
  2. You're then asked to take one of these steps:
    • Sign in with your Apple ID. You might also be asked to enter the verification code sent to your other devices.
    • Enter your FileVault recovery key. You received it when you turned on FileVault and chose to create a recovery key instead of allowing your iCloud account (Apple ID) to unlock your disk.
  3. Select a user that you want to reset the password for, then click Next.
  4. Enter your new password information, then click Next.
  5. When the password reset is completed, click Restart.

If you see the option to reset using your recovery key

  1. Click the option to reset using your recovery key, then enter your FileVault recovery key. You received it when you turned on FileVault and chose to create a recovery key instead of allowing your iCloud account (Apple ID) to unlock your disk.
  2. Enter your new password information, then click Reset Password.

Can I Delete Dmg Files From My Mac

If you can't reset your password

Can I Delete Javaforosx.dmg On My Machine

Learn what to do if you can't reset your password.